software trap中文什么意思

发音:   用"software trap"造句
  • software:    (电脑的)软件,软设备;程序设备;语 ...
  • trap:    n. 【矿物】暗色(火成)岩。
  • in a trap:    表示落于陷阱中; 落入陷阱中
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  1. The design methods of the fire alarm system based on can bus , including the hardware methods of filter circuit and photoelectric isolation and software methods of digital filter and software trap , are brought foward to enhance the system reliability
  2. Meanwile , software methods - software traps , software watchdogs , digital filter intensify the anti - interference . v / f switch smooths change of signals , which avoids data fluctuation and benefits anti - interference , the visual basic is selected as developed platform
    此外,文中对智能仪表与pc机的通信作了详细的设计,其中包括主机与d硕士学住论文waiaster ’ stiiesis各节点的通信规约,详细的软件设计框图。
  3. In addition , this paper not only makes detailed illustration on hardware but also on software design in respect of field anti - jamming performance . especially in software design , it adopts methods of " software trap " and " sign position setting " greatly improving the antijamming capacity of accumulator
    另外,本文在现场抗干扰方面,不仅在硬件设计上作出了明确的阐述,而且在软件设计上,采用了“软件陷阱法”和“标志位设置法” ,使得积算仪的抗干扰性能,得到大大的提高。


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